CNS 11643-1992/2004+ Planes 1 and 2

The foundation for these two blocks of original Big Five hanzi are two lists of "common" [常用] hanzi (primary and secondary) provided by Academis Sinica for the Ministry of Education, with an additional selection of "rare" [罕用] hanzi used for scientific and other kinds of specialized publishing. Plane 1 contains 5,401 hanzi and Plane 2 contains 7,650 hanzi, with each listed by number of strokes, then radical. Plane 1 begins with a collection of punctuation, symbols, radicals (at different code points from their corresponding hanzi), and scripts, based on Big Five. These have been amended, with two duplicate hanzi removed from Plane 2 in 1992, along with various adjustments and additions to the punctuation, symbols, and scripts. These are scattered among various Unicode blocks (including nine in the CJK Unified Ideographs block), but we do not show them here.

Plane 1

廿 仿 西 尿 禿 使 彿 忿 歿 沿 便 姿 穿 竿 羿 倀 退 宿 涿 鹿 婿 貿 殿 祿 滿 綿 漿 稿 調 窿 縿 谿 輿 駿 鴿 餿 簿 耀 孿

Plane 2

巿 氿 奿 伿 怀 辿 礿 洿 籿 峿 浿 迿 乿 紿 趿 崿 欿 渿 缿 媿 椿 溿 絿 詿 訿 軿 嵿 榿 粿 跿 鬿 嫿 槿 毿 潿 鳿 樿 澿 諿 踿 骿 橿 篿 罿 黿 濿 瀀 鮿 嬿 徿 鵿 翿 鶿 騿 覿 譿 鰿 鷿 觿